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Gravity Falls

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:01 am
by Megan
Gravity Falls is a cartoon that was on Disney XD. For those that don't know about it:

Its about twins, Dipper and Mable Pines. They are sent for the summer to stay with their great uncle Stan (whom they refer to as Grunkle Stan) in the town of Gravity Falls. While there Dipper uncovers a mysterious journal that tells of various supernatural things that happen in Gravity Falls. The series tells of the various adventures they have while dealing with these things while trying to figure out the mystery of who wrote the journal.

This show is my absolute favorite. I adore it! :dlove:

I first fell in love with it around season 2. I was bored and it was on so watched it. The whole plot drew me in and I wanted to know more. And boom, big fan of the show!