What did you do today?

Here you can post about various things that happen daily like your mood, the weather, etc.!
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What did you do today?

Post by Megan »

So how did you spend your day today?

I honestly did pretty much nothing. Haven't been for days really. Been sick since last Sunday about. Gonna try to get a hold of the doctor tomorrow. XD
But today, lazed about. Mostly played around online, rested, and made some new emoji's for here. Later since it was my brother's birthday (he passed away a few weeks ago) we sent up some balloons into the sky along with a sky lantern which was nice. My mom put this Megaman toy she had bought him in his room as well. My aunt brought over some bubble blower to send bubbles up to him too.
Dook, dook, dook! :ferret:


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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Juneberry »

We recieved what was intended to be my new laptop. However, we had escalating problems with it, and in the end (after many calls to different customer service reps) have to ship it back to Amazon to get a refund. Dad's already looking at other options. Sadly we won't get to make use of the sales Amazon has going on since they told us we won't get our refund until Friday at the earliest, but... At least we're not giving up!

Oh also I had like 2 anxiety attacks with severe crying fits today.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Megan »

Juneberry wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:18 pm We recieved what was intended to be my new laptop. However, we had escalating problems with it, and in the end (after many calls to different customer service reps) have to ship it back to Amazon to get a refund. Dad's already looking at other options. Sadly we won't get to make use of the sales Amazon has going on since they told us we won't get our refund until Friday at the earliest, but... At least we're not giving up!

Oh also I had like 2 anxiety attacks with severe crying fits today.
A real shame about the computer. On the plus these places have sales other times, so I’m sure you’ll find something.

Sorry about the anxiety attacks too. *hugs* Hope you’re feeling better.

For me another day of nothing. I really gotta spend less time online. On the plus should be getting some new medicine from the doctor tomorrow. He called some in and I didn’t have to go see him!
Dook, dook, dook! :ferret:


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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Juneberry »

Megan wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:11 pm Sorry about the anxiety attacks too. *hugs* Hope you’re feeling better.

For me another day of nothing. I really gotta spend less time online. On the plus should be getting some new medicine from the doctor tomorrow. He called some in and I didn’t have to go see him!
I'm doing a bit better so far, thanks! Also I'm confused- by new medicine, do you mean a medication you've never been on before? 'cause I thought that wasn't something you could really do...My doctors only will call in refills for me or change doses over the phone xD
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Megan »

Juneberry wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:37 am
Megan wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:11 pm Sorry about the anxiety attacks too. *hugs* Hope you’re feeling better.

For me another day of nothing. I really gotta spend less time online. On the plus should be getting some new medicine from the doctor tomorrow. He called some in and I didn’t have to go see him!
I'm doing a bit better so far, thanks! Also I'm confused- by new medicine, do you mean a medication you've never been on before? 'cause I thought that wasn't something you could really do...My doctors only will call in refills for me or change doses over the phone xD
Well its just medicine for this cold or whatever I have. Just some antibiotics. Picked them up earlier, along with some other stuff I needed at the drug store. And later had a doctor appointment (not my regular different one).
Dook, dook, dook! :ferret:


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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Juneberry »

I made a phone call on my own today to my doctor to make an appointment this evening... but then this evening I had a panic attack and couldn't make it to the appointment so dad had to call to reschedule for me, while simultaneously trying to get me to stop crying with bad jokes. x-o
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Megan »

Juneberry wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:57 pm I made a phone call on my own today to my doctor to make an appointment this evening... but then this evening I had a panic attack and couldn't make it to the appointment so dad had to call to reschedule for me, while simultaneously trying to get me to stop crying with bad jokes. x-o
Aww, that's kinda sweet. Though sorry about the panic attack. :dcry:
Dook, dook, dook! :ferret:


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Re: What did you do today?

Post by elfwink »

I'm on leave time from work. :dgrin: Doing lots of nothing today, aside from computer games.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Megan »

elfwink wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:36 pm I'm on leave time from work. :dgrin: Doing lots of nothing today, aside from computer games.
*high fives* I'm on vacation myself! So no work this week! :dsmile:
Dook, dook, dook! :ferret:


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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Naiwen »

Good night all, had another iced coffee. Be meditating by the riverside today. After lunch, be enjoying “Boss and me” till dinner and falling asleep tonight.
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