Anyway I’m looking for one more staff member. A moderator unless you have something else you can add to the forum.
If you want to apply you can do so here!
I decided, its probably best to just have members PM me applications, so if interested PM me the follow:
Positiong Applying For: Moderator or Other
Why do you want to join the staff??
Do you have any past experience?:
How active can you be?:
What can you do for the forum?:
What would you like to do here?:
Code: Select all
[b]Positiong Applying For:[/b] Moderator or Other
[b]Why do you want to join the staff??[/b]
[b]Do you have any past experience?:[/b]
[b]How active can you be?:[/b]
[b]What can you do for the forum?:[/b]
[b]What would you like to do here?:[/b]