Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by sirvenom »

Julian thanks Mark for his assistance and heads out headed towards the entertainment district looking for a place to eat for lunch, when he spots Meri and approaches her. "Excuse me? Mis Starlight. Do you mind if I join you for lunch?"
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by queenzelda »

Meri looked over to Dr Bashir & nods, "Sure you can join me if you like." She said to sit outside of a local Cafe called "Coffee Talk" as the person behind the bar took her order of pea tea and a tuna sandwich with some potato crips.
Yami Yugi wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:20 am Arriving right on time, Aaron and Meredy follow Meri to where she heads off to lunch inside the part of town he hadn't even gone into yet. "Just what is this place?" he asked to himself looking around at all of the local bars, cafes, and such.

Actually, Meredy went over to see Prince Kyle since she noticed him coming out of the Item Store. "Hail Lord Kyle. It is good to see your well. What brings you into town?"

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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by Megan »

Kyle frowned at being addressed so formally. “Ugh, hush. It’s Kyle.” He said looking rather pouty. “You’ll get me found out.”
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by Yami Yugi »

Aaron noticed Meri was chatting with someone new, and realized suddenly that his guard Meredy wasn't with him. Sighing, Aaron headed back to the main part of town to see her outside of the item shop talking to the short blonde man from before.. Though he did look slightly familiar. Walking over to where Meredy stood he asked, "Meredy, what are you doing over here with old short stuff??"
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by queenzelda »

Meredy rolled her eyes at Kyle's complaining at her about being found out, and when Aaron reunited with her she rolled her eyes that he seemed to have forgotten who it was 'short stuff' was.

Meredy shook her head, "Never mind Prince Aaron, apparently you forget your neighbors all too easily when your not subjected to them once a year as I am." She sighed. "Look, young man." She says looking at Kyle, "I am not trying to rat you out, but there is someone in this world stealing away young lords and ladies from their families. Pray you are not next, then given a drug to forget everything about your life before you were taken. As I was." She revealed with tears stinging her eyes.

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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by Megan »

Kyle shot Aaron a glare at being called short before looking back to Meredy. He felt a little guilty seeing the tears in her eyes. “Oh…um…sorry. But I’m fine.”
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by sirvenom »

queenzelda wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:35 pm Meri looked over to Dr Bashir & nods, "Sure you can join me if you like." She said to sit outside of a local Cafe called "Coffee Talk" as the person behind the bar took her order of pea tea and a tuna sandwich with some potato crips.
Julian nodded sitting near Meri to eat a lunch of turkey, mayo, and cheese with some mustard. Looking over to her as he drank on his tea after it came up, "So, Meri. Why aren't you just leaving from this town? If you need the help getting to where you are going maybe I can help?"
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by Yami Yugi »

Looking over to 'short stuff' suddenly Aaron remembered who he was. "Hey! Good to see you, Prince Kyle. Sorry about all the short stuff, but you are a little smaller than I. though to be fair, you're also younger." He chuckled. Looking to Meredy he sighs, "I am sorry for what happened to you. I wish there was some way I could right it. But isn't the issue the cure for Mao? My mother was kidnapped, and I know she was really sick with it when she was taken." He sighed.
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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by queenzelda »

Meri looked to Julian to ask, "Really? I tried about 3 weeks ago going across the boarder but I wasn't allowed through." She sighed, "So I'm stuck here trying to raise 1k gil in order to hire the guild so I can get in." She told him while eating, after shrugging.

"Look, Aaron, Kyle I'll be fine. I don't mean to be so formal with you both, but I too am royalty. A Princess actually, of the Rainbow Nation. I found out before I came running after Aaron that I was taken from my kingdom at a very young age. Yes, the sickness Mao is a problem for a lot of the nations. But honestly, I don't know if Kyle even cares about Mao being an issue. I know you do Prince Aaron because your mother was stricken with it. " Sighing she says, "BUT we have a cure, and Meri is it. We should convince her to ask Dr Bashir to use her cells as a way to make a cure. I'm sure he can do it."

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Re: Role Play: Mao (ver. 2)

Post by Megan »

“Don’t pretend to know what I care about” Kyle said. “I just don’t think it’s such a big deal is all. That’s mostly why I’m not allowed out.” He said rolling his eyes. “They all think I’ll catch it easily since I supposedly ‘frail.’ “
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