It all started when the Light and Dark kingdoms went to war. At first it didn't seem like it would last long, but it did. Years and years. Some other kingdoms joined the fight with both sides. An end didn't seem in sight of the kingdoms released something (as to who did this, its a mystery. Both sides keep pointing fingers at the other) through some form of spell. At first it didn't seem to have any effect. But, soon people started to get sick. Soldiers, innocents. It was on both sides sadly. Soon, people started to die.
Doctors and mages were called in to find a way to stop it, but no solution was found. Instead the sickness is spreading all over. They have started calling it Mao. Even though all have failed people are still searching for a cure...
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Name: Kyle Lennart
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Weapons: Sword
Powers: Earth magic
Appearance: Histroy: Kyle is the prince of Lennart Kingdom. His kingdom allied with the Light Kingdom and joined the fight on their side.
Kyle never paid much mind to the war, instead he was more interesting in chasing girls.